Chelsea Cole on Income Streams as a Blogger
SHOW NOTES: Episode 10
Hey there! On today’s episode, we are chatting with Chelsea Cole from the blog, A Duck’s Oven. We chat about various topics including income streams as a blogger. This episode is packed with such helpful information and inspiration. Listening to Chelsea’s journey to becoming a full-time blogger may be just what you need to hear.
We talk with Chelsea about niching down and how it can be scary at first but how helpful it is to niche down. Blogging is so much about helping others so when you have someone asking you about something several times, it is so nice to create a blog or a product that can help them.
Chelsea shares with us her 7-8 income streams and how diversified they all are. From creating products to ad networks to blog traffic, there are so many different ways that bloggers can make money and Chelsea reminds us of that. Chelsea shares how she thinks that 3 income streams is a good place to be in when starting out.
We chat about how it’s ok to have a balance between serving others and also getting paid for it. Chelsea also shares some advice about how bloggers often will sit down and brainstorm ways to help others where it’s really helpful to create a product after people are asking you about it. You know that it is something that others are wanting and know that there is a demand for it when you do it that way.
We also chat about where to focus your time and energy as a blogger and how Chelsea evaluates what her previous year looked like to know where to put her time and energy.
This was such a great conversation with Chelsea! Be sure to tune in to hear all of the value that this episode provides.
- Chelsea’s journey to full-time blogger
- Niching down
- Sources of income for bloggers
- How 3 income streams is a good place to be for bloggers
- How it’s ok to serve others and be paid for it
- Figuring out what digital products to sell – what are people asking you about
- How to figure out where to focus your time and energy
- Connect with Chelsea on Instagram: @aducksoven
- Check out Chelsea’s blog HERE.
- Sous Vide School
- Chelsea’s Cookbook
- Check out episode 4 about how bloggers can make money.
- Wanting to learn more about starting a blog? Start here!
- Connect with us on Instagram: @sparkmediaconcepts
Welcome to The Ultimate Blog Podcast! This podcast is for you if you’ve ever wanted to learn blogging basics so that you can start your own blog or if you have been a blogger for years but are struggling to grow or need inspiration and community.
Every Tuesday we will be sharing a new episode where we will cover topics from the basics of starting a blog, monetizing and growing your site, to finding the inspiration you need to keep going. You will also find guest interviews with experts on different blogging topics as well as interviews with bloggers who’ve been in your shoes.
Amy Reinecke and Jennifer Draper are bloggers themselves who want to encourage you to believe in your potential, step outside the norm and step into a life where you create your own schedule, your own success and your own story.
We’d love to connect with you on our other platforms so please visit us at or follow us on Instagram at @sparkmediaconcepts